Understory offers supporters the opportunity to directly support our work in Latin America by sponsoring copies of the Field Glossary to be delivered to sustainable agriculture practitioners South of the Rio Grande, who otherwise wouldn't be able to access this Language-learning tool. It's a chance to efficiently distribute a valuable educational resource to some needy folks, supporting the work of Understory in the process. For a limited time, $9.00 per copy will get these books distributed.

A Few Examples of Successful Gifts:

Rotary International and San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala

In 2006, the Rotary Club of Port Townsend sponsored 50 copies of the Field Glossary to be sent to communities surrounding San Lucas Tolimán, in the highlands of Guatemala. A Rotary member carried the books to Guatemala, and the MesoAmerican Permaculture Institute graciously provided distribution services. Port Townsend Rotary has been a consistent and generous supporter of Food Security programs in Central America.

Café Infantil: Virginia McFadden

Ms. McFadden sponsored 10 copies to the community of Balgüe, Nicaragua. The books were sold by Finca Bona Fide to travelers, and the profits directed to Café Infantil, a project which provides basic nutrition and health services to needy primary-school children.

Become a Sponsor

Contact us to sponsor copies. For donations of greater than $100, tax deductible options are available.

Thank you for your generosity

A Useful Tool

Many, if not most,
of those who might benefit from the ownership of this book are not
regular patrons of the internet, do not live near an independent
bookstore, nor are equipped with an extra $15 to build their library

Nevertheless, one of the goals of the
Field Glossary project is to equip English learners with a vocabulary
that will allow them to speak proudly and practically of the land-based
culture they so often leave behind. Business, political, and community
words in English are indispensable in order to seize a negotiating
voice in the current global economy, and may make the difference
between adapting to the modern marketplace and being forced into
migrant or immigrant work.

An English vocabulary
of ecology and farming words facilitates agricultural exchanges with
foreign visitors, to say nothing of the other cultural benefits that
speaking another language may bring.

offers the chance to sponsor copies of these books, distributed
efficiently and effectively by our partner organizations throughout
Latin America.


Join us today in bringing self-empowering resources to Latin American communities!